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SSP Washington DC Regional Online MeetUp

Roundtable Session: Tackling Impostor Syndrome in the Workplace

Tuesday, December 7, 2021 | 10:00–11:00 am ET

Do you have difficulty accepting positive feedback from management or peers at work? Do you ever feel unqualified for a role even after landing a job or being given additional responsibilities? Do you find yourself fixating on the flaws in your work or feel like you secretly don’t belong? If the above sounds familiar to you or members of your team, join us for an open Zoom roundtable discussion on Impostor Syndrome.

“Impostor syndrome” is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments, despite external evidence of their competence. This sneaky syndrome is not a symptom of low self-esteem but comes from invalid methods of self-evaluation and is a common career issue. An International Journal of Behavioral Science report found that it impacts 70% of people across professions (wow!).

This event may be for you if you:

  • want to address impostor syndrome and professional doubts among your team
  • have nagging uncertainties of your own skills, expertise, or credibility
  • have concerns with your current role or next steps professionally
  • struggle accepting praise from peers or management
  • pivoted career paths to publishing or are just starting out
  • work in scholarly publishing and lack either a formal editorial background or formal research expertise
  • worry about falling short despite positive feedback at work
  • want to learn more about the causes and solutions for impostor syndrome

Register now to address the challenges of impostor syndrome, resources to combat professional doubts, and ways to better understand the cause and how to manage it among teams and yourself. Event moderators will share information and resources regarding Impostor Syndrome before opening discussion among participants.


  • Ryan Farrell, American Gastroenterological Association
  • Jennifer Regala, American Urological Association
  • Rachel Walther, The Society for Research in Child Development



This event is free, but please register.