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02.20.2013 | Member News & Releases

Scholarly iQ to Support Elsevier in Reporting and Analytics for Product Development Strategy

February 20, 2013Scholarly iQ was chosen by Elsevier to provide trusted, independent consultancy services to support development and delivery of Elsevier’s customer behavioural analytics requirements.

Scholarly iQ, the leader in trusted, independent reporting, analytics and data management services for the academic publishing industry, today announced that Elsevier, the world’s leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, has engaged Scholarly iQ to provide continued support and consultancy services for the development and delivery of Elsevier’s customer behavioural analytics requirements.

In today’s fast changing, data driven digital publishing market understanding customer behaviour is critical. Elsevier looked to enhance existing reporting abilities with deeper insight into customer needs and preferences, in turn providing users of Elsevier’s portfolio of online science and health information with the best possible experience across its sites.

Scholarly iQ will be working in close partnership with Elsevier to identify and appraise key stakeholder business requirements for behavioural analytics in combination with Scholarly iQ’s unique experience in providing online analytics and best practices to the academic publishing market. In addition, Scholarly iQ will be providing on-going consultancy and support services to evolve analytics capabilities at Elsevier and act as an additional member for the Elsevier analytics team.

This increased insight and support will drastically increase Elsevier’s understanding of what customers want and how to improve the business with increased flexibility for online testing and ad-hoc analysis.

Gary Van Overborg, CEO and Founder, Scholarly iQ, said: “The academic publishing market is becoming increasingly online and data driven. Trusted, meaningful insight into user behaviour and the performance of these digital products is vital. Developing a solid strategy for data management, reporting and analytics enables businesses like Elsevier’s to better understand and respond to customer needs, increasing user engagement, boosting usage and ensuring overall success. To meet these goals, Scholarly iQ is partnering with Elsevier to help their analytics team contribute to their stakeholders’ requirements, and develop strategies and a data-driven approach which will improve product offerings and the user experience for Elsevier’s customers.”

Louis Pet, Head of Usage Research at Elsevier, added: “Scholarly iQ brings a unique perspective to behavioural analytics at Elsevier with unrivalled experience across both academic publishing reporting standards and online analytics. In addition, their independent status enables us to choose and work with state-of-the-art technical solutions which best fit our needs whilst contributing to our business requirements. This will increase our ability to make confident and accountable business decisions which will increase user experience and their engagement with key Elsevier products.”

For more information please contact:

Stuart Maxwell at Scholarly iQ

stuart.maxwell@scholarlyiq.com / +44 7580 723230



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