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06.12.2024 | SSP News & Releases

Celebrating the Generations Fund at Our Annual Meeting

The Generations Fund is celebrating yet another milestone achievement in 2024—surpassing the $400,000 mark of our $500,000 goal. This milestone was officially marked during SSP’s 46th Annual Meeting in Boston last month, where the Generations Fund pushed even further past this mark by raising $4,300 onsite through donations, 5K registrations, merchandise sales, and the inaugural SSP Originals Auction. 

SSP Originals Auction 

The first SSP Originals Auction saw dozens of SSP members donate original creative works to benefit the Generations Fund. These items were on display during the Annual Meeting, with winning bidders taking home their unique finds at the end of the meeting. 

The creativity of our community was inspiring with items ranging from original paintings, hand-poured candles, crocheted stuffed animals, handmade jewelry, and original pottery. While every item found a home, you can still peruse the auction’s online site to see our donors’ amazing creations!  

SSP Virtual 5K

The third annual SSP Virtual 5K Run, Walk, and Roll awarded the Greatest Of All Teams (GOAT) trophy during the SSP Annual Meeting. This trophy—and bragging rights—goes to the organization with the most participants. This year, it was a tight race between Wiley and Silverchair, with Silverchair prevailing with 22 participants. They were able to take the trophy home to share with some very special team members.

This year’s official race day was a week after the Annual Meeting concluded, with runners taking to their hometown streets across the U.S., the United Kingdom, India, and Australia! Surpassing last year’s participation numbers, 139 SSP community members ran, walked, or rolled to benefit the Generations Fund. 

Thanks again to our 5K sponsors, the American Society for Microbiology, Access Innovations, BioOne, and Nova Techset. 

Celebrating our Supporters 

Finally, onstage during the SSP Annual Business Meeting, we celebrated our SSP Generations Fund supporters who have contributed $415,000 to the fund. Additionally, several of our top organizational supporters were invited on stage to acknowledge their outstanding support. We would like to extend gratitude yet again to the following generous supporters: 


American Chemical Society  MDPI  
American Psychological Association  PLOS  
Atypon Research Solutions  
Cabells Silverchair  
Cell Press/Elsevier  Taylor & Francis  
Delta Think  Wolters Kluwer Health   
Access Innovations  Impact Journals   
American Geophysical Union  Kriyadocs   
American Physical Society  LibLynx   
Apex CoVantage  Lumina Datamatics   
Aries Systems  Newgen North America   
Cadmore Media  Open Athens   
Clarke & Esposito  Royal Society of Chemistry   
Crossref Straive   
Emerald Publishing  Virtusales Publishing Solutions   


Leaders Advisors  
Susan & Richard Kesner  Christine Battle  
  Ryan Braithwaite  
Counsels Todd Carpenter  
Alison Mudditt Angela Cochran   
Jennifer Pesanelli October Ivins  
Jean P. & Mark Shipman  Kim Jansen  
Madelene Sutton  Byron Laws  
  Alice Meadows   
  William Wakeling   
Visit the Generations Fund recognition page for a complete list of individual supporters! 

You can join the generous organizations and individuals who have already pledged their support – and help us finish the fund –  in a way that fits your lifestyle: 

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