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07.12.2023 | Member News & Releases

Aries Systems and Scopus Partner to Enhance Peer Review through Advanced Reviewer Matching

July 12, 2023 | North Andover, Massachusetts – Aries Systems Corporation, a leading technology workflow solutions provider for the scholarly publishing community, and Scopus, an expertly curated abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings, are pleased to announce their partnership to offer an extensive, dynamic approach to Reviewer search and matching for scholarly publishers.

Locating and securing Reviewers with diverse expertise and no conflicting interests is a formidable challenge and expensive bottleneck for journal Editors and editorial staff. While many publications possess their own database of Reviewers, it is often limited in both scope and capacity, as the demand often surpasses the readily available number of candidates who make a suitable match. As a result, publications overtax their existing resources and struggle to expand their pool through external databases with minimal flexibility. To enhance this process and streamline peer review, Aries Systems and Scopus have collaborated to offer Find Reviewers using Scopus, a robust reviewer search and matching tool, directly integrated within Aries’ Editorial Manager® (EM), the leading manuscript submission and peer review tracking system.

Through this partnership, Find Reviewers using Scopus provides publishers using EM direct and seamless access to Scopus’ vast researcher database – connecting millions of candidates at the Editor’s fingertips. With over 100 Reviewers from diverse backgrounds in scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences literature surfaced in a single search, Find Reviewers using Scopus offers comprehensive coverage. Harnessing advanced and refined search parameters based on specific keywords, criteria, and a wide range of filters, it enables matches to the most suitable Reviewers – allowing Editors to make well-informed decisions and streamline the Reviewer selection process, ultimately saving time and effort. Rather than a static list of candidates with limited visibility into key information, Find Reviewers using Scopus is a dynamic search engine that allows Editors to conduct in-depth examinations of suggested Reviewer profiles. The tool also comes equipped with an innovative and flexible conflict of interest (COI) detection feature that automatically excludes inappropriate candidates and more against other conditions selected by the journal – supporting a more objective and equitable peer review workflow in EM.

“Aries is thrilled to partner with Scopus to offer a superior solution for connecting Editors to qualified Reviewers through the seamless integration of their extensive database within EM,” stated Aries Director of Business Development, Pierre Montagano. “Not only does this simplify the invitation experience for Editors but it also supports higher-quality reviews and streamlines peer review, which reduces time to publication and ensures sound research output.”

Join Aries’ upcoming webinar Streamline Reviewer Invitation with Scopus’ Advanced Search Solution on Wednesday, August 23 at 10am ET to learn more about this integration. Click here to register: https://ariessys.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_x6pKClpoQ-KldawjwWW1xw#/registration

About Scopus | www.scopus.com
Scopus is a source-neutral abstract and citation database curated by independent subject matter experts who are recognized leaders in their fields. Scopus puts powerful discovery and analytics tools in the hands of researchers, librarians, research managers and funders to promote ideas, people and institutions.

About Aries Systems | www.ariessys.com
Aries Systems transforms and revolutionizes the delivery of high-value content to the world. We are committed to providing highly customizable, flexible, and innovative workflow solutions designed to help enhance the discovery and dissemination of human knowledge. Publish faster, publisher smarter, with Aries Systems.

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