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10.31.2022 | Member News & Releases

Annual Reviews Selects LibLynx for Open Access Analytics

Alexandria, VA – Annual Reviews has selected LibLynx to generate open access (OA) usage analytics to better understand the global impact of publishing open content in their journals and Knowable magazine.

Annual Reviews needed analytics to communicate the impact and value to institutions of supporting their Subscribe to Open (S2O) model.  Under this model, once institutional subscriptions have met a sufficient level, new volumes are published OA under a Creative Commons license.

“LibLynx Analytics provides insights that will make us a more effective publisher.” Richard Gallagher, President and Editor-in-Chief of Annual Reviews

A critical element of the model is demonstrating the value to the community from making Annual Reviews content immediately available with no access barrier and no author fee.  Unlike gated content, OA articles are anonymously accessed, and so traditional usage metrics provide little insight into impact.

LibLynx OA Analytics provides Annual Review staff and institutional partners with granular analytics on the usage of their content.  Reports identify the organizational source of usage, allowing engagement to be analyzed at the title level by country, organizational type and category, and a broad range of subject areas.

Richard Gallagher, President and Editor-in-Chief of Annual Reviews, said, “Building a picture of how and where Annual Reviews content is being used is important to us, our subscribers and our editors and authors. I am therefore delighted that we are working with LibLynx. LibLynx Analytics provides insights that will make us a more effective publisher.”

Live, on-demand dashboards can be interrogated in real time and customized for the needs of different stakeholders, including internal staff, institutional partners and authors.  Analytic data can be viewed online or exported as pdfs or for further analysis in spreadsheets. 

“Helping publishers build an effective case for the impact of OA publications lies at the core of our OA Analytics”, added Tim Lloyd, CEO of LibLynx.  “We’re excited that Annual Reviews can use them to grow their publishing activities and advance their mission of advancing scientific knowledge.”

About LibLynx (www.liblynx.com) LibLynx provides flexible Identity, Access Management, and Analytics solutions to online resource providers and libraries.  We make identity & access as simple as possible and as secure as necessary and deliver insightful analytics that are on-demand and in real time.  We mitigate the risks of fraud and managing personal data.  Our cloud native applications are technology and platform independent, with an architecture designed to simplify integration and facilitate customization.

About Annual Reviews (www.annualreviews.org) Founded in 1932, Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. Annual Reviews saves time by synthesizing the vast amount of primary research literature and identifying the principal contributions in a broad range of disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences, including Economics. Annual Review articles hold a unique place in the scholarly communication ecosystem because they transfer expert knowledge synthesized from the expanding corpus of scientific literature and they readily accept the challenge to help shape and define their field as a service to scholars and society. Annual Reviews publications are among the highest cited publications by impact factor according to the Journal Citation Reports® published by Clarivate.

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