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Playing Global Moneyball and Impactball Well: Tools and Case Studies for Publishing Intelligently in International Markets

Seminar 5: Playing Global Moneyball and Impactball Well: Tools and Case Studies for Publishing Intelligently in International Markets

What’s your Global IQ? To succeed in our swiftly changing and ever flattening world, organizations must look at their practices and offerings in new ways and often through new eyes. Not so long ago, we might have been able to do this once in a while and walk away or simply rinse and repeat in a variety of settings. Now we must remain committed to responding to changing needs around the world. This calls for access to the best information, tempered by practical, implemental insights born of years of on-the-ground interpersonal experience. Global IQ = f (cultural intelligence*business intelligence). Where can we come by these insights and which are the right strategies for our organizations unique priorities? This session will focus on a variety of ways for improving service and impact, mission and revenue in international milieus. Seasoned staff will review new technologies and present case studies of successfully reaching new audiences in global markets.