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06.25.2024 | SSP News & Releases

Seminar Preview | Introduction to Copyright

Join us for our popular seminar on all the ins and outs of copyright—“Introduction to Copyright” takes place July 9, 2:30–4:30 pm ET. Led by Rick Anderson (University Librarian at Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library), this seminar will provide an overview of copyright, starting with its purpose and then moving on to how it works. Along the way, Rick will explore some of the most pressing issues and questions surrounding copyright, including:

  • Fair Use: Understanding the boundaries and applications of fair use in various contexts.
  • Licensing Rights: Navigating the complexities of obtaining and managing licenses for copyrighted materials.
  • Rights Retention: Exploring strategies for retaining rights as an author.
  • Open Access vs. Public Access: Differentiating between open access and public access, and what each means for publishers and authors.
  • Copyright and Open AI: Examining the implications of AI-generated content on copyright law.
  • Myths about Authorship and Copyright: Debunking common misconceptions about who owns copyright and how it works.
  • Helping Others Understand Copyright Basics: Effective ways to educate peers and colleagues about copyright fundamentals.

This highly interactive workshop is designed to benefit both early-career professionals and seasoned experts in scholarly communications who wish to enhance their understanding of the latest developments in copyright and its broader academic context.

Rick offered a few thoughts ahead of the next session:

Who is the intended audience for this seminar, and why should they attend? Anyone who wishes they had a better understanding of the basics of copyright law. Whether you’re an author, librarian, publisher, editor, or even a reader, you must understand your rights and obligations as a creator and user of creative works. This seminar will give you a solid foundation – and even if you think you have that foundation already, I bet you’ll learn something unexpected.

Why do you think this topic is important and timely? We both create and use copyrighted materials daily – so we all needed to understand copyright yesterday!

Is there a particular topic you’re looking forward to seeing discussed? I look forward to talking about all aspects of copyright because I’m a complete copyright nerd. My wife is sick of listening to me talk about copyright, so having a fresh audience is great. But I especially get excited about teaching people what their rights are and what that means for how they can do their work – whether as content creators or content consumers.

What can participants expect from the seminar? I hope participants will come away with a new appreciation of both the simplicity and complexity of copyright and a new confidence in their ability to navigate their rights and obligations. I also hope they’ll gain an increased ability to see through the obfuscation and misinformation that sometimes characterize public discussion of copyright issues.

Click here to register now!

News contribution by SSP member Aileen McHugh. Aileen is a Senior Associate Publisher and Sales and Circulation Director at the American College of Physicians.

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